
#1: our first blog.

Yahoo! Judith Josephine Event Organizer has finally caught up with the times and begun to blog! After many months of brides and suppliers begging us for a blog, it is finally here! JJEO is already a trend setter for Theme Events and now our blog will be too! Wait just a little while longer and our website will be in the english language aswell so you can also use our services, because we serve you where ever you want us too. We will use this place as home for you to learn about the latest in trends, ideas and strides the wedding industry is taking to better your wedding day. See the awards, accolades, and innovations by our vendors and learn about upcoming events, parties, and must haves this season! Stay up to date and check back regularly, we’ll be sure to keep you posted. One more way JJEO is making planning for your wedding day a piece of cake! And don't forget to check out all our fabulous vendors and their sites at Judith Josephine Event Organizer.


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